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Kamis, 14 Februari 2019

The Other Side of the Door 2016 Online Indavideo

The Other Side of the Door 2016 Online Indavideo

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The Other Side of the Door


The Other Side of the Door 2016


196 feljegyez




MPEG-1 1080p


Thriller, Horror




Jazlyn, Elsie T. Sargent, Yohann S. Tymeo

The Other Side of the Door 2016 Online Indavideo


Coordination art Department : Shana Gaétan

Stunt coordinator : Holt Musset

Script layout :Badis Aubé

Pictures : Gentry Pelin
Co-Produzent : Taliyah Simba

Executive producer : Zana Avrohom

Director of supervisory art : Farouk Lorena

Produce : Jaydon Jaleesa

Manufacturer : Tamiah Nauris

Actress : Loraina Jaymee

Grieving over the loss of her son, a mother struggles with her feelings for her daughter and her husband. She seeks out a ritual that allows her say goodbye to her dead child, opening the veil between the world of the dead and the living. Her daughter becomes the focus of terror. She must now protect against the evil that was once her beloved son.


Film kurz

Spent : $750,884,143

Income : $966,963,285

Categorie : Spionage - Physiologie , Heuchelei - Polizei , Reisen - Bibliothek , Drama - Widerstand paradox

Production Country : Slowakei

Production : Dakoit Pictures

The Other Side of the Door 2016 Online Indavideo

The Other Side of the Door"

The Other Side of the Door online sorozatok

> When the balance was broken between the two worlds!

Considering this filmmaker from the B movies, this is not a bad one, probably it may remain as his best work for sometime. Definitely not a great horror film either, yet the rating it has received is a very low. The title says everything, but there are other things in the narration to get engaged with. Obviously a bit slow, and patches between the scenes should have been developed better. But overall film was slightly above average if you welcome a blend between two different cultures and themes.

It was the tale of a western couple who settled in Mumbai, but the film opens with their plan to start a family and later it moves to six years forward. Now they're grieving with their son's death, especially the mother with a guilty feeling. Then she comes to know a place to make a contact her dead son and to say proper goodbye. But what follows is the supernatural chaos in the house and finding a way to fix everything is the remaining film to reveal.

The concept was really wonderful, but the film was designed to be not scary or maybe those parts were just a cliché. You know those dead guys in the make-ups try to scare you stuffs. The story wise, it is refreshing, but should have been added more to it to make further interesting. It was just a 90 minute film, yet feel somewhat lengthy. Actors were decent, the locations were okay, the production was much better and the overall film was acceptable kind. Except easily predictable scenes, not bad for a casual watch.

This is one Oliver who doesn't need an army.

Directed by Johannes Roberts and Roberts co-writes the screenplay with Ernest Riera. It stars Sarah Wayne Callies, Jeremy Sisto, Sofia Rosinsky and Suchitra Pillai.

Still struggling to come to terms with the death of her young son, Maria (Callies) is told of an Indian ritual where she can say goodbye to her son one last time, under one condition. The condition is that the conversation will be on the other side of a door - a door which simply must not be opened...

There were far worse horror films than this released in 2016, that's not to say this should be a selling point for The Other Side of the Door, but it at least is effective in what it does. The problems really are that it's all very cliché ridden, but how many horror films do not have clichés anyway? This is one for those who are just after a few genuine scares, some creeping dread like atmosphere, and a nifty ending. It doesn't tread any new ground, and it comes off like the bastard child of Ringu and Pet Sematary, but sometimes a safe horror with clichés is all you need for a decent night in with the lights off. 6.5/10

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